Cosmetics Products Store Earning $3,976/mo
Profitable ecommerce store selling cosmetics and beauty products through dropshipping.
Performance overview
Company name / website
Nature World Beauty (Nature-World.Beauty)
About the business
The store sells cosmetics in the United States. There are buyers from other parts of the world, but we focus on acquiring customers from the United States. The store sells a wide range of cosmetic and beauty-related items.
The shop earns on average $3,976 per month and is expanding rapidly due to the quality of its goods and marketing efforts. In total, the shop has made more than $25,000.
Marketer has the skills to attract clients from any nation, but we prefer traffic from the United States. Based on marketer study, it was proposed that I market the shop in the United States. This is the primary reason the store is successful.
No restrictions:
The individual who intends to own this shop could be from any country. It is not essential to be a US resident to purchase or run this shop. Because this is an outsourced business, and your only responsibility will be to transfer orders to vendors who deliver the products (dropshipping). So, don't worry if you're from a different country; you may still buy and manage the shop.
Reason for sale
We are not rushing to sell this successful business unless we get a good buyer willing to buy it with great love and interest as we put a lot of effort into it. The main reason for selling is that we are collecting some cash to start a new business which my partner and I have been planning for quite some time. To meet its budget we are selling this online business.
Key assets
- Brand
- Customers
- Licenses
- Intellectual property
Revenue and expenses
Key performance metrics
Monetization methods
- Product Sales
Products & Platforms
- Woocommerce
- Paypal
Disclaimer: All numbers and financial claims made on this page are provided by the seller and have not been externally audited or verified by Ecomflippers. We strongly encourage you to do your own research before you make a purchase decision.